“HF” improving the quality of life
Health & Nature
Health, Nature, Eco-friendly Our Microfiber products clean with little or no chemicals making them eco-friendly. Cleaning the world without damaging the environment is our goal. Whatever your needs, you can count on our team to bring you the highest quality Microfiber products for you. Welcome to contact us: happyface0119@yahoo.com
*超輕快速吸收水份, 讓身體保持乾爽舒適, 觸感超柔軟與肌膚接觸無
溼氣. 洗完澡或淋浴後使用舒適. 更適合於游泳 泡湯 或健身運動完後使用.
字型超細纖維, 吸水速度與吸水量幾乎是棉質產品的兩倍.
**Our microfiber towels are made of a lightweight, fluffy
weave that is highly absorbent and quick to dry,
which makes it great for after bath or shower, taking to
the pool, gym, boating, or camping.
**超柔速乾浴帽能快速吸收水份及殘餘洗髮精, 節省您
寶貝秀髮的時間. 不添加化學吸水劑. 減少對秀髮的傷害.
字型超細纖維,吸水速度與 吸水量幾乎是棉質產品的兩倍.
**產品尺寸: 26 x 68公分
Microfiber Hair Turban
**Dries hair faster, saves time
**Environmentally friendly, with no chemical, very gentle for hair.
NO.37-11050 SIZE: 26x 68cm
**超輕快速吸收水份, 能夠快速吸收水份及殘餘洗髮
精 讓秀髮保持乾爽舒適, 節省您吹髮時間,減少吹髮造成的傷害.
字型超細纖維, 吸水速度與吸水量幾乎是棉質產品的
**超強吸水力 不殘留棉絮於肌膚上
**No.37-11030 產品尺寸: 30 x 80公分
超柔軟舒適 造型簡單好看,伸縮素材,不傷肌膚,免用化學清潔劑的環保新素材。 適合於游泳 泡湯 或健身運動完後使用. 字型超細纖維, 吸水速度與吸水量幾乎是棉質產品的兩倍.
NO. 37-11070 Size: 80 x 145c m
Microfiber Shower Wrap
**Spa quality! Extremely absorbent and fast drying.
**Pamper yourself or someone special with an ultra-soft and lightweight
Shower Wrap.
NO. 37-11070 Size: 80 x 145cm
** 能深入清潔肌膚 粉底 臉上的油垢 去角質 讓您的臉上的肌膚能自然的呼吸
使用一段時間 讓您變得更美麗 容光煥發.
No.37-11090 Size: 10 x 10cm